News & Events

February 27, 2024, Pat Armstrong speaking on TVO’s The Agenda on attracting PSWs in Ontario. View on youtube here.

“Re-imagining Long-term Residential Care in the Covid-19 Crisis” report released, April 15, 2020

This report draws on lessons from the project’s research for the Covid-19 pandemic, setting out both what can be done now, and in the future.

Read the report.

“Negotiating Tensions in Long-Term Residential Care” book launch September 17, 2018, Halifax Public Library

Principal Investigator Pat Armstrong and Co-investigators Martha MacDonald and Hugh Armstrong spoke at the Halifax launch of “Negotiating Tensions in Long-Term Residential Care”, the fourth book in the project’s Ideas Worth Sharing series. The launch included presentations and discussion on the major findings in the book.

Books were available to those attending.
Hosted by Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Nova Scotia.

Long Term Care is a Municipal Issue!
September 17, 2108, Ottawa

Team members Susan Braedley and Albert Banerjee spoke on an expert panel on long term care that explored ways to rebuild public capacity, improve quality and accountability for seniors’ care in the Ottawa Area at an open public meeting hosted by the Ottawa Health Coalition.

“Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid, Site-Switching Ethnography” book launch
September 18, St. Mary’s University, Halifax

Principal Investigator Pat Armstrong and co-investigators Hugh Armstrong and  Martha MacDonald spoke at a launch event for the project’s recently published Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid, Site-Switching Ethnography.

‘We Can Do Better in Long Term Care’

This animated video uses findings from the project to discuss promising practices for dining services in long-term care.

The Elder Magazine interviewed Co-investigator Liz Lloyd on staying grounded through later life challenges.

Co-investigator Liz Lloyd was interviewed by The Elder Magazine about challenges of later life in terms of identity, empowerment, and agency and how crucial it is to address these in order to retain a strong sense of self.

The full article is available here.

Sharing Knowledge for Change in Long-Term Care
May 8, 2018, Toronto

This public event hosted by the Re-imagining Long-Term Residential Care project featured speakers from Ontario, Sweden and Germany sharing their experiences on taking action in long-term care.

Natalie Mehra – Executive Director, Ontario Health Coalition
Anna Werkelin Ahlin – Health Care Issues, PRO  Pensioners’ National Organization, Sweden
Bernd Bogert & Thomas Franzen – Managing Director & Nursing Manager, German long-term care home

Discussion and a Q & A followed the talks. 

Project Co-investigator Susan Braedley and student Karissa Gall produced a new video “Time to Reflect” using findings and data from the project.

Re-Imagining Long-Term Residential Care – Promising Practices and the Ontario Context
April 3, 2018, Ottawa Public Library, Main Branch

The project’s Principal Investigator Pat Armstrong and other team members launched “Exercising Choice in Long-Term Residential Care”, reporting on the project’s research in six countries, identifying practices that produce conditions of dignity and respect for residents and workers.

A panel discussion with representatives from the long-term residential care community, including including workers, family and friends, offered insights on promising practices and the challenges in the Ontario context.

All are welcome. View event poster here.

Aging & Society Seminar Series talk
Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid, Site-Switching Ethnography
March 6, 2018, Trent University

Leading scholars from Trent University, Carleton University, and York University discussed approaches to interdisciplinary and international research arising from their experience working on an eight-year SSHRC funded project titled Re-imagining Long-term Residential Care: An International Collaborative Study of Promising Practices. They will offer their insights for administrative work on research grants, interviewing, field notes, and ethics as well as discuss innovative approaches to knowledge sharing.

Exercising Choice in Long-term Residential Care Book Launch
March 6, 2018, Peterborough Public Library


Members of the research team, including Trent University’s Drs. Sally Chivers and James Struthers, spoke about promising practices in exercising choice – for both residents and their care providers – in long-term residential care facilities.

Watch a second video focusing on Residents, “Promising Practices in Nursing Home Care: Dignity and Joy“, developed by project Co-investigator Susan Braedley and student Karissa Gall.

Co-investigator Susan Braedley and her student produced the video “Forgetting: A Dementia story worth sharing” using findings and data from the project.

Exercising Choice in Long-Term Care: Changing our Understanding of Choice
November 24, 2017, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

Team members Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong spoke at the University of Manitoba’s Centre on Aging on identifying conditions that set the context for exercising meaningful choices for residents, staff, families and managers in long-term residential care.

View event poster here

Exercising Choice in Long-Term Residential Care
November 23, 2017, Winnipeg

Team members Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong spoke on on the project’s Exercising Choice book, presenting the many choices, or items to consider, in long-term residential care in Canada, in this event sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Manitoba.

Looking Back, Thinking Ahead: Lessons Learned from Early Policy Makers in Long-term Residential Care, September 26, 2017, 8:30am

Hear from a panel of early policy makers including Lawrence Crawford, Paul O’Krafka and moderator Gail Donner, as they discuss their experience researching and advising on policies for long-term residential care in Canada. With an aging Canadian population, our commitment to long-term care is critical now, more than ever.

All welcome. Coffee and light refreshments will be served. Register at

Tuesday, September 26, 8:30 am
155 College Street, Rm 208

Beyond Medicalization: An International View of MD Roles in Long-Term Care, September 22, 2017 at noon

Come and hear the doctors on the research team – Joel Lexchin, Margaret McGregor and Robert James – talk about the promising medical practices they learned about while observing and interviewing in care homes, both in Canada and in Europe.

Discussion and questions will follow the talks. All welcome. A light lunch will be provided.

Friday, September 22, 2017, 12:00 pm
Suite 202, 720 Spadina Ave. (south of Bloor)



Paying the Price: The cost of privatization in long-term care, May 30,2017, 4:30pm

Join team members Charlene Harrington, Pat Armstrong and Suzanne Day in Toronto for a discussion on privatizing long-term care. The event will be moderated by Trish Hennessy from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

The discussion will be followed by a reception for the launch of ‘Wash, Wear and Care: Clothing and Laundry in Long-term Residential Care’ by Pat Armstrong and Suzanne Day.

Tuesday May 30, 2017, 4:30pm
Drama Room 7, Pantages Hotel, 200 Victoria St.

All are welcome.

York University’s Department of Sociology research newsletter recognizes ReLTC project

York University’s Department of Sociology publishes its first research newsletter for Winter 2017. The newsletter acknowledges research updates on Pat Armstrong and published books by the project.

Department of Sociology: Research Newsletter Winter 2017

York University article on, “Policy-applicable research finds for-profit seniors homes falls short”

York University’s yFile newsletter, reports on paper written by a number of team members on “Observational Evidence of For-Profit Delivery and Inferior Nursing Home Care: When Is There Enough Evidence for Policy Change?”

York University yFile article here
Read article by team members here

Protect Public Health Care Sunshine Coast’s “Defending Public Seniors’ Care” forum, BC, February 2, 2017

Team member Margaret McGregor participated in the ‘Defending Public Seniors’ Care’ forum on January 28, 2017. The event was a discussion on the quality of publicly owned and operated long-term care versus a private for-profit model. Read more about the forum here.


The Time to care media conference in Peterborough, ON, November 7, 2016

Team member Jim Struthers was one of the media conference participants gathered to make the case for passing the proposed Time To Care Act. More details on the Time to Care Act, Bill 33 here.

Physical Environments for Long-Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing, Now Available

The second book in the project’s Ideas Worth Sharing series is now available for download. Editors are Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley.

Photo of Book Cover


For-profit health care is not more efficient, October 24, 2016

The Winnipeg Free Press published an opinion piece by Pat and Hugh Armstrong. Included is a discussion of evidence against for-profit delivery of nursing homes.

Privatization, long term care and home care – what’s at risk for Manitobans?
October 25, 2016, Winnipeg

Team members Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong spoke at a free public event on Privatization, long term care and home care at Hotel Fort Garry, sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Promising Practices in Long Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing
April 25, 2016, Ottawa

Team member Susan Braedley organized this panel discussion on how long-term residential care can be provided in ways that respect the needs of seniors, families, workers and managers. Additional speakers included project Principal Investigator Pat Armstrong, Peter Walker from the Bruyère Research Institute, and a representative from the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

Event poster here.

Long Term Care: Promising Practices, Current Challenges, April 11, 2016, 6:30pm

Join team member Martha MacDonald in Halifax for a panel discussion on Long-term Care on Monday, April 11 at 6:30pm at the Halifax Central Library, Lindsay Children’s Room, 5440 Spring Garden Rd.

The event will be moderated by Christine Saulnier from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-NS. In addition to Martha MacDonald, other panelists include Dr. Paul Curry from the Nova Scotia Nurses Union, Olga Milosevich a community advocate, and Nan McFadgen a License Practical Nurse. Open to all.

View event poster here.

Promising Practices in Residential Care, February 22, 2016, 9:30am

Join team members Margaret McGregor and Megan Davies at this free public forum in Vancouver to hear about ideas and concrete examples of promising practices found in Canada and other countries.

February 22, 2016, 9:30am – 1pm
Alice MacKay Room, Vancouver Public Library Central Branch
350 W. Georgia St.

View event video here.

View event poster here.

Toronto Star reports on project: Nursing homes don’t have to be grim, depressing places

The Toronto Star’s Carol Goar interviewed Principal Investigator Pat Armstrong for an article on the project in the Friday, January 15th edition.

“International research team headed by York professor reimagines institutional long term care as humane, dignified option.”

Read full article.

Promising Practices in Long Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing, January 7, 2016, 5pm

Join us on January 7, 5pm in the South Dining Room at Hart House, University of Toronto, for a panel on “Promising Practices in Long Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing”, based on a publication co-edited by Donna Baines and Pat Armstrong, and published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives . Researchers and project partners will discuss ideas on improving long-term care in Canada.

LongTerm Care front cover

Watch co-investigator Margaret McGregor on CTV National News commenting on how seniors living in private nursing homes are more likely to die within six months of their stay than those living in non-profit facilities. This interview followed the release of research results comparing deaths in Ontario’s for-profit and non-profit nursing homes. The full research report is available on the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA) website.


Watch SEIU Healthcare’s short film “Below the Line: Cidalia’s Story.” It was selected as one of the winners of the London, UK 2015 Labour Film Festival global short films competition. SEIU is a partner on our project.

Congratulations authors of “It’s a Scandal” paper!

Albert Banerjee accepted the Highly Commended Paper award for, “It’s a Scandal!” on behalf of the other team authors. The award was presented at the Emerald Networking Event and Awards on August 9th 2015, in Vancouver.



The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) Calls for a National Plan for Safe Seniors Care

Before It’s Too Late: A National Plan for Safe Seniors Care” was released at the Council of the Federation, 2015 Summer Meeting in Newfoundland and Labrador.  The report was authored by Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong and Jacqueline Choiniere, Re-Imagining Long-Term Residential Care, Principal Investigator and Co-Investigators.

Before its too late

“Skills for Long-term Residential Care” Workshop, May 20, 2015

There is a broad consensus that changing population needs and demographics in long-term residential care mean more training is required. There is less agreement, however, on what skills are required, who should have these skills, and how the work should be divided.

Re-imagining Long-term Residential Care is hosting a workshop in Toronto to focus on issues related to skills and the division of labour in long-term residential care.  See presentations & posters page for speaker talks.

MCRI Logo horizontal2

Pat Armstrong appeared as an Evidence Maker in the Fall 2014 issue of The Canadian Institute of Health Research’s (CIHR) “Show me the Evidence.”

CIHR banner

Book Launch for two books – ‘Troubling Care’, and ‘Pain and Prejudice’ Tuesday October 28, 2014

Noon – 2:00 pm
280A York Lanes, York University (Light lunch served)

6:30 – 8:00 pm
The Supermarket, 268 Augusta Ave, Kensington Market

‘Troubling Care’: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practices was published in 2013 and edited by Pat Armstrong and Susan Braedley.  It is based on papers by team members presented at the project’s York Seminar for Advanced Research series.

‘Pain and Prejudice’ is a newly released book by Karen Messing, Professor Emerita at the Université du Quèbec à Montréal.

All welcome. Books will be available to purchase at both events.

Troubling Care: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practice Using the example of residential services, Troubling Care: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practices investigates the fractures in our care systems and challenges how caring work is understood in social policy, in academic theory, and among health care providers.

Pain and Prejudice In 1978, when workers at a nearby phosphate refinery learned that the ore they processed was contaminated with radioactive dust, Karen Messing, then a new professor of molecular genetics, was called in to help. Over the next decades Messing encountered many more cases of workers around the world suffering and in pain without any help from the very scientists and occupational health experts whose work was supposed to make their lives easier. In Pain and Prejudice Messing tells the story of how she went from looking at test tubes to listening to workers.

Combined Book covers

Our partner CUPE Ontario, has launched a campaign titled “Time to Care,” in which they are calling on the Ontario government to keep its promises to introduce staffing and care standards in long-term care facilities. Pat Armstrong & Donna Baines were interviewed for the campaign video.

Co-Investigator Sally Chivers was a speaker at the Life & Health panel at Trent University’s 50th Anniversary: Ideas that Change the World Symposium 2014. Sally’s presentation was titled “Re-Imagining long-term residential care for a more just and caring system,” in which she mentions the MCRI project and discusses her visits to long-term care centres.


To watch and listen to Sally’s presentation on Re-Imagining Long-term Residential Care click here.
*Note* Sally’s presentation begins at the 17:00 minute.

A Research Snapshot of the work our team is conducting is summarized in the following publication:

Now published and available on Emerald’s website: “It is a scandal!: Comparing the causes and consequences of nursing home media scandals in five countries” by Liz Lloyd, Albert Banerjee, Charlene Harrington, Frode F. Jacobsen and Marta Szebehely.

Listen to the video abstract for “It’s a scandal!” article by Albert Banerjee below:

Author Meets Reader
October 24, 2013, Ottawa

With Susan Braedley, Carlton University, on the project’s Troubling Care book

Event flyer for Author Meets Reader.

The Second Annual Robarts Lecture in Canadian Studies 
Working for Care: Caring for Work
October 3, 2013, York University

Pat Armstrong, York University

Full presentation:

Troubling Care book now available!

Troubling Care: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practices, authored by seven students and seven faculty members involved in the study, is now published and available for purchase.

Preview the book and purchase a hard copy here.

Changing the Conversation:
Re-imagining Long-term Residential Care

Monday, May 27th, 2013
6:00 – 8:00 pm
Courtyard Marriott
475 Yonge Street

Dr. Liz Lloyd, University of Bristol
Dr. Monique Lanoix, Appalachian State University
Dr. Sally Chivers, Trent University

Click here for the event flyer for Changing the Conversation.

Caring about Long-term Residential Care

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Gladstone Hotel
1214 Queen Street West

Long-term residential care is mainly care for women by women. What are the consequences for policy and practices? How can we ensure those who live and work in long-term care are treated with dignity and respect?

Governments and the boomer generation are planning for aging at home, but many still do and will need long-term residential care. How can we make that care as good as possible?

Our experts will draw on recent research from Germany, BC and Ontario to provoke a conversation about how and why gender matters in long-term residential care.

Join us in this conversation on an issue that matters to us all.

Dr. Susan Braedley, Carleton University
Dr. Monika Goldmann, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany
Dr. Margaret McGregor, University of British Columbia

Dr. Pat Armstrong, York University