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Articles: 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011


Armstrong, Pat, Armstrong Hugh and Choiniere, Jacqueline, eds. The Labour Crisis in Long-term Care: the Right to Care. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024.
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Armstrong, Pat and Braedley Susan, eds. Care Homes in a Turbulent Era. Do They Have a Future? Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
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Armstrong, Pat ed. Unpaid Work in Nursing Homes: Flexible Boundaries, Policy Press, 2023.
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Armstrong, Pat and Armstrong, Hugh, eds. The Privatization of Care: The Case of Nursing Homes. Routledge, 2020.
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Armstrong, Pat and Lowndes, Ruth, eds. Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid, Site-Switching Ethnography. Oxford University Press, 2018.
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Armstrong, Pat and Day, Suzanne. Wash, Wear, and Care: Clothing and Laundry in Long-Term Residential Care. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
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Read reviews of the book:
by Julia Twigg, University of Kent, UK here. Available online here
by Lynn Spink, Ontario Health Coalition, here
by Pamela Jarrett, Dalhousie University, here

Armstrong, Pat and Braedley, Susan, eds. Troubling Care: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practices. Canadian Scholars’ Press, August, 2013.
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Ideas worth sharing book series

Armstrong, Pat and Lowndes, Ruth, eds. Negotiating Tensions in Long-Term Residential Care: Ideas Worth Sharing. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2018.
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Armstrong, Pat and Daly, Tamara, eds. Exercising Choice in Long-Term Residential Care. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2017.
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Armstrong, Pat and Braedley, Susan, eds. Physical Environments for Long-Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2016.
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Baines, Donna and Armstrong, Pat, eds. Promising Practices in Long Term Care: Ideas Worth Sharing. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2015/16.
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Other relevant books

Armstrong, Pat; Banerjee, Albert; Szebehely, Marta; Armstrong, Hugh; Daly, Tamara; Lafrance, Stirling. They Deserve Better: The long-term care experience in Canada and Scandanavia. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2009.
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Armstrong, Pat et al., Eds. A Place to Call Home: Long-Term Care in Canada. Fernwood Publishing, 2009.
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Chivers, Sally and Kriebernegg, Ulla, eds. Care Home Stories: Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Residential Care. Transcript Verlag, 2018.
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Read a review of the book in the Canadian Journal on Aging here



Lowndes, R., Struthers, J., Ågotnes, G. (2021). Social Participation in Long-term Residential Care: Case Studies from Canada, Norway, and Germany. Canadian Journal on Aging, 40(1), pp. 138-155.


Armstrong, P., Harrington, C. & McGregor, M. (2020). Staffing for Nursing Home Care: COVID-19 and Beyond. At, Insights (Essays).

Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H. & Bourgeault, I. (2020). Privatization and COVID 19: A Deadly Combination for Nursing Homes. In Flood, C. et al. (Eds.), Vulnerable: The Law, Policy and Ethics of COVID-19, Chapter E-1.

Armstrong, P., & Baines, D. (2020). Privatization, Hybridization and Resistance in Contemporary Care Work. In Baines, D. & Cunningham, I. (Eds.), Working in the Context of Austerity: Challenges and Struggles.

Armstrong, P., & Cohen, M. (2020). A Higher Standard: Setting federal standards in long-term care and continuing care. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Armstrong, P., & Day, S. (2020). Clothing matters: locating wash, wear and care. Studies in Political Economy, 101, pp. 1-16.

Daly, T., Choiniere, J., & Armstrong, H. (2020). Code Work: RAI-MDS, Measurement, Quality and Work Organization in Long-term Care Facilities in Ontario. In Mykhalovskiy, E., Choiniere, J., Armstrong, P. & Armstrong, H. (Eds.), Health Matters: Evidence, Critical Social Science, and Health Care in Canada, Chapter 4.

Doucet, A. & Armstrong, P. (2020). A conversation with Pat Armstrong about Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid, Site-Switching Ethnography. Families, Relationships and Societies, Policy Press, University of Bristol.

McGregor, M. & Harrington, C. (2020). COVID-19 and long-term care facilities: Does ownership matter? CMAJ, 192(33).

Øye C. & Jacobsen, F.F. (2020) Informal use of restraint in nursing homes: A threat to human rights or necessary to preserve residents’ dignity? Health, 24(2), pp. 187–292.


Ågotnes, G., McGregor, M., Lexchin, J.,  Doupe, M., Müller, B., Harrington, C. (2019). An International Mapping of Medical Care in Nursing Homes.
Health Services Insights. Published online January 23, 2019.

Armstrong, P., & Armstrong, H. (2019). Contracting-Out Care: Nursing Homes in Canada. In Collyer, F. & Willis, K. (Eds.), Navigating Private and Public Healthcare: Experience of Patients, Doctors and Policy-Makers, pp. 87-103.

Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., Daly, T. & Choiniere, J. (2019). Caring for Seniors the Neo-Liberal Way. In Thomas, M. et al. (Eds.), Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium, pp. 229-244.

Baines, D., & Armstrong, P. (2019). Non‐job work/unpaid caring: Gendered industrial relations in long‐term careGender, Work, & Organization, 26(7), pp 934-947.

Müller, B. (2019). The Careless Society—Dependency and Care Work in Capitalist SocietiesFrontiers in Sociology. Published online January 14, 2019.

Storm, P., & Lowndes, R. (2019). “Yes, the guys can do it”: Migrant men care workers in Canadian and Swedish nursing homes. Teorija in praksa, 56(4), pp. 1052-1068.


Banerjee, A., James, R., Lexchin, J., & McGregor, M. (2018). Nursing home physicians discuss caring for elderly residents: an exploratory studyCanadian Journal on Ageing. Published online: 05 April 2018.

Baines, D., & Armstrong, P. (2018).  Promising Practices in Long Term Care: Can Work Organization Treat both Residents and Providers with Dignity and Respect? Social Work and Policy Studies: Social Justice, Practice and Theory,1(1); special issue on Critical Engagements with Ageing and Care.

Kehoe MacLeod, K. (2018). Tips and Tricks for Writing Reflexive Field Notes When Doing Team-Based Rapid Ethnographic Research. In Kleinknecht, S., van den Scott, L., & and Sanders, C. (Eds.), The Craft of Qualitative Research: A Handbook, pp. 167-176.

Lanoix, M. (2018). Home Interrupted. In Chivers, S. & Kriebernegg, U. (Eds.), Care Home Stories: Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Residential Care, pp. 39-52.

Struthers, J. (2018). Home, Hotel, Hospital, Hospice: Conflicting images of long-term residential care in Ontario, Canada. In Chivers, S. & Kriebernegg, U. (Eds.), Care Home Stories: Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Residential Care, pp. 283-302.


Ågontnes, G. (2017). Same, Same but Different: Norwegian Nursing Homes Betwixt Equality and Autonomy. Ageing International, 43(1), pp 20–33.  doi:10.1007/s12126-017-9292-8

Armstrong, P. (2017).  Balancing the Tension in Long-Term Residential Care. Ageing International, 43(1), pp 74–90. doi:10.1007/s12126-017-9284-8

Armstrong, P., & Daly, T. (2017). Complexities, tensions, and promising practices: work in Canadian long-term residential care. In Christensen, K. & Pilling, D. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Social Care Work Around the World, Chapter 20.

Baines, D., & Broek, D. (2017). Coercive Care: Control and Coercion in the Restructured Care Workplace. British Journal of Social Work, 47, pp 125-142.

Barken, R., & Armstrong, P. (2017). Skills of Workers in Long-Term Residential Care: Exploring Complexities, Challenges, and Opportunities. Ageing International, 43(1) pp. 110–122.  doi:10.1007/s12126-017-9285-7

Barken, R., & Lowndes, R. (2017). Supporting Family Involvement in Long-Term Residential Care: Promising Practices for Relational Care. Qualitative Health Research, 28(1), pp. 60-72.

Braedley, S., Owusu, P.,  Przednowek, A. & Armstrong, P. (2017). We’re told, ‘Suck it up’: Long-Term Care Workers’ Psychological Health and Safety. Ageing International, 43(1), pp. 91–109. doi:10.1007/s12126-017-9288-4

Brassolotto, J., Daly, T., Armstrong, P., & Naidoo, V. (2017). Experiences of moral distress by privately hired companions in Ontario’s long-term care facilities. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 18(1), pp. 58-68.

Harrington, C., Jacobsen, F. F., Panos, J., Pollock, A., Sutaria, S., & Szebehely, M. (2017). Marketization in Long-Term Care: A Cross-Country Comparison of Large For-Profit Nursing Home Chains. Health Services Insights, 10,   doi:10.1177/1178632917710533

Jacobsen, F., Day, S., Laxer, K., Lloyd, L., Goldmann, M., Szhebehely, M., Choiniere, J., & Rosenau, V. P. (2017).  Job Autonomy of Long-Term Residential Care Assistive Personnel: A Six Country Comparison. Ageing International, 43(1), pp. 4–19. doi:10.1007/s12126-017-9291-9

Lowndes, R., Daly, T., & Armstrong, P. (2017).  “Leisurely Dining “: Exploring How Work Organization, Informal Care and Dining Spaces Shape Residents ‘ Experiences of Eating in Long-Term Residential Care. Qualitative Health Research , 28(1)pp. 126-144. doi:10.1177/1049732317737979

Müller, B., Armstrong, P., & Lowndes, R. (2017).  Cleaning and Caring: Contributions in Long-term Residential Care. Ageing International, 43(1) pp. 53–73. doi:10.1007/s12126-017-9290-x

Storm, P., Braedley, S., & Chivers, S. (2017). Gender Regimes in Ontario Nursing Homes: Organization, Daily Work, and Bodies. Canadian Journal on Aging, 36(2), doi:10.1017/S0714980817000071

Tufford, F. Lowndes, R., Struthers, J., & Chivers, S. (2017). ‘Call Security’: Locks, Risk, Privacy and Autonomy in Long-term Residential Care. Ageing International,  43(1), pp. 34–52. doi:10.1007/s12126-017-9289-3


Adams, A., & Chivers, S. (2016). There’s No Place Like Home: Designing for Long-term Care in Canada Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2),  pp. 273-298.

Adams, A. (2016). Home and/or Hospital: The Architectures of End-of-Life Care. Change Over Time, 6(2), pp. 248-263.

Ågotnes, G., Jacobsen, F., Harrington, C., & Petersen, K. A. (2016). A Critical Review of Research on Hospitalization from Nursing Homes; What is Missing?  Ageing International, 41, pp. 3–16.

Agotnes, G., Jacobsen, F. F., & Barken, R. (2016). A Norwegian View on Canadian Long-Term Residential Care. Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2),  pp. 491-498.

Armstrong, H., Daly, T., & Choiniere, J. (2016). Policies and Practices: The Case of RAI-MDS in Canadian Long-Term Care Homes. Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2)pp. 348-367.

Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., & MacLeod, K. K. (2016). The Threats of Privatization to Security in Long-Term Residential Care. Ageing International, 41(1), pp. 99-116.

Barken, R., Daly, T., & Armstrong, P. (2016). Family Matters: The Work and Skills of Family Members in Long-term Residential Care. Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2) pp. 321-347.

Banerjee, A., & Rewegan, A.(2016). Intensifying Relational Care: The Challenge of Dying in Long-Term Residential Care. Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2),  pp. 396-421.

Baines, D., Charlesworth, S., Daly, T. (2016). Underpaid, unpaid, unseen, unheard and unhappy? Care work in the context of constraint. Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(4), pp. 449-454. 

Chivers, S. (2016). The Show Must Go On: Aging, Care, and Musical Performance in Quartet.  Modern Drama, 59(2), pp. 213-230.

Choiniere, J., Doupe, M.; Goldmann, M., Jacobsen, F., Lloyd, L., Rootham, M., & Szebehely, M. (2016). Mapping Nursing Home Inspections & Audits in Six Countries. Ageing International, 41(1), pp. 40-61.

Daly, T., Struthers, J., Müller, B., Taylor, D., Goldmann, M., Doupe, M., & Jacobsen, F. F. (2016).  Prescriptive or Interpretive Regulation at the Frontlines of Care Work in the “Three Worlds” of Canada, Germany, and Norway. Labour/Le Travail, 77, pp. 37-71.
Access a research summary for this article – Staffing regulation in residential long-term care in Canada, Norway and Germany: How does regulatory style impact frontline care?

Daly, T. & Armstrong, P. (2016). Liminal and invisible long-term care labour: Precarity in the face of austerity. Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(4), pp. 473-490.

Davies, M. (2016).  A Humanist in the House of Old: Moyra Jones and Early Dementia Care in Canada. Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2), pp 446-481.

Harrington, C., Armstrong, H., Halladay, M., Havig, Anders K., Jacobsen, F.; MacDonald, M., Panos, J.; Pearsall, K., Pollock, A., & Ross, L. (2016). Comparison of Nursing Home Financial Transparency and Accountability in Four Locations. Ageing International, 41(1), pp. 17-39.

Harrington, C., Schnelle, John F., McGregor, M., & Simmons, S. F. (2016). The Need for Higher Minimum Staffing Standards in U.S. Nursing Homes. Health Services Insights, 9, pp. 13-19.

Jacobsen, F., Mekki, Tone E., Førland, O., Øye, C., Tveit, M. E.; & Testad, I. (2016). Modeling and evaluating evidence-based continuing education program in nursing home dementia care (MEDCED)—training of care home staff to reduce use of restraint in care home residents with dementia. A cluster randomized controlled trial. International Journal of geriatric psychiatry, 31(1), pp. 24-32.

Jacobsen, F., Mekki, T. E., &  Øye, C. (2016). Do Organizational constraints explain the use of restraint? A comparative ethnographic study from three nursing homes in Norway. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26,(13-14), pp. 1906-1916.

Jacobsen, F., Mekki, T. E., Førland, O., Øye, C., Skaar, R., & Dhal, H. (2016). Evidence Molded by Contact with Staff Culture and Patient Milieu: an Analysis of the Social Process of Knowledge Utilization in Nursing Homes.  Vocations and Learning, 8(3), pp. 319-334.

Lanoix, M. (2016). No Longer Home Alone? Home Care and the Canadian Health Act. Health Care Analysis, 25(2), pp 168-189.

Laxer, K., Jacobsen, F., Lloyd, L., Goldmann, M., Day, S., Choiniere, J., & Rosenau, P. (2016). Comparing Nursing Home Assistive Personnel in Five Countries. Ageing International, 41(1), pp. 62-78.

Lowndes, R., & Struthers, J. (2016). Changes and Continuities in the Workplace of Long-term Residential Care in Canada, 1970-2014. Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2), pp. 368-395.

Lloyd, L. (2016).The Canadian Long-Term Residential Care System: A British Perspective. Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2), pp. 482-490.

McGregor, M. (2016). Residential Long-term Care – Where do Physicians Fit In (or Don’t They)?. Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2),  pp. 299-320.

McPherson, K. (2016). Imagining Gerontological Nursing: Canadian Nurses and Eldercare, 1905-70.   Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2),  pp. 422-445.

Naess, A., Vabo, M., & Fjaer, E. G. (2016). The assisted presentations of self in nursing home life. Social Science & Medicine,150, pp. 153–159.

Øye, C., Mekki, T. E., Jacobsen, F. F., & Førland, O. (2016). Facilitating change from a distance – a story of success? A discussion on leaders’ styles in facilitating change in four nursing homes in Norway. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(6), pp. 745-754.

Ronald, L. A., McGregor, M. J., Harrington, C., Pollock, A., & Lexchin, J. (2016). Observational Evidence of For-Profit Delivery and Inferior Nursing Home Care: When Is There Enough Evidence for Policy Change? PLOS Medicine,13(4).
Access a summary of this article – Policy-applicable research finds for-profit seniors homes fall short

Szebehely, M. (2016). Residential Care for Older People: Are There Lessons to Be Learned form Sweden?  Journal of Canadian Studies, 50(2), pp. 499-507.

Stranz, A., & Sörensdotter, R. (2016). Interpretations of person-centered dementia care: Same rhetoric, different practices? A  comparative study of nursing homes in England and Sweden .  Journal of Aging Studies, 28, pp. 70-80.


Armstrong, P.,  Armstrong, H., & Choiniere, J. (2015).  Before it’s too Late: A National Plan For Safe Seniors’ Care. The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions.

Baines, D. (2015). Neoliberalism and the convergence of nonprofit care work in Canada. Competition & Change, 19(3), pp. 194-209.

Baines, D., & Daly, T. (2015). Resisting Regulatory Rigidities: Lessons from Front-Line Care Work. Studies in Political Economy 95. Regulating Care, pp. 137-160.

Banerjee, A., & Armstrong, P. (2015). Centring Care: Explaining Regulatory Tensions in Residential Care for Older Persons. Studies in Political Economy 95. Regulating Care, pp. 7-28.

Banerjee, A.,  Armstrong, P.,  Daly, T.,  Armstrong, H., & Braedley, S. (2015). ‘”Careworkers Don’t Have a Voice:”Epistemological Violence in Residential Care for Older People. Journal of Aging Studies, 33, pp. 28-36.

Braedley, S., & Martel, G. (2015). Dreaming of Home:Long-Term Residential Care and (IN) Equities by Design. Studies in Political Economy 95. Regulating Care, pp. 59-81.

Chivers, S., & Adams, A. (2015). Architecture and Aging: The Depiction of Home in Sarah Polley’s Away From Her. Age, Culture, Humanities. Issue 2, online.

Daly, T. (2015). Dancing the Two-step in Ontario’s Long-Term Care Sector: Deterrence Regulation=Consolidation. Studies in Political Economy 95. Regulating Care, pp. 29-58.

Daly, T.,  Armstrong, P., & Lowndes, R. (2015). Liminality in Ontario’s long-term care facilities:Private companions’ care work in the space ‘betwixt and between.’ Competition & Change, 19(3), pp. 246–263.
Access a research summary for this article – Inside Ontario’s Long-term Care: Where do Privately Paid Companions Fit?

Doupe, M., McGregor, M., & Sivananthan, S. (2015). Exploring the Ecology of Publicly Funded Residential Long-term Care Bed Supply in Canada. Canadian Journal on Aging, 34(1), pp. 60-74.

Jacobsen, F. (2015). Understanding public elderly care policy in Norway: A narrative analysis of governmental White papers.  Journal of Aging Studies, 34, pp. 199-205.

Lanoix, M. (2015). Le care et le vieillissement. In Le care: Éthique féministe actuelle, Les Éditions du remue-ménage, pp. 97-116.

Lanoix, M. (2015). Who Cares? Care and the Ethical Self. Les ateliers de l’éthique / The Ethics Forum, 10(3), pp. 49-65.

Laxer, K. (2015). Who Counts in Care? Gender, Power, and Aging Populations. In Armstrong, P. & Pederson, A. (Eds.), Women’s Health, 2nd Edition: Intersections of Policy, Research, and Practice, Chapter 12.

Lowndes, R.,  Armstrong, P., & Daly, T. (2015). The Meaning of “Dining”: The Social Organization of Food in Long-term Care. Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 4(1), pp. 19-34.

MacDonald, M. (2015). Regulating Individual Charges for Long-Term Residential Care in Canada. Studies in Political Economy 95. Regulating Care, pp. 83-114.


Armstrong, P. (2014). Abuse of Health Care Workers. In: Jennings, B., Ed. Bioethics, 4th Edition, Vol 1, pp. 74-77, Gale Cengage Learning.

Jacobsen, F. (2014).  Continuity and Change in Norwegian Nursing Homes, in the Context of Norwegian Welfare State Ambitions. Ageing International, 40(3), pp. 219-228.

Lloyd, L.,  Banerjee, A., Harrington, C., Jacobsen, F. F. & Szebehely, M. (2014). “It is a scandal!: Comparing the causes and consequences of nursing home media scandals in five countries.International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 34(1/2), pp. 2 -18.
This paper won an International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 2015 Highly Commended Paper Award.
Access a research summary for this article – It Is a Scandal: What Are the Results of Media Scandals on Nursing Home Policy?


Adams, A., & Chivers, S. (2013). Home Pages: Domesticity and Duplicity in Images of Architecture for Aging. Seachange Art/Communication Technology.

Armstrong, P. (2013). Puzzling Skills: Feminist Political Economy Approaches. Canadian Review of Sociology – 50th Anniversary Special Issue, 50(3), pp. 256-283.

Armstrong, P. (2013). Time, race, gender, and care: Communicative and Strategic Action in Ancillary Care Commentary on Carol Levine’s “Caring for Money.” International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, 6(2), pp. 118-121.

Armstrong, P., & Armstrong, H. (2013). Julia Johnson, Sheena Rolph and Randall Smith, “Residential Care Transformed: Revisiting ‘The Last Refuge’ – Book review. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 36(2), pp. 229-232.

Baines, D. & Cunningham, I. (2013). Using comparative perspective rapid ethnography in international case studies: Strengths and challenges. Qualitative Social Work, 12(1), pp. 73-88.

Chivers, S. (2013). ‘Seeing the Apricot: A disability perspective on Alzheimer’s in Lee Chang-dong’s Poetry. In Different Bodies: Essays on Disability in Film and Television. pp. 65-74.

Harrington, C.(2013, participating author).  What Factors Contribute to Successful Appeals of Nursing Homes’ Deficiencies in the Informal Dispute Resolution Process? Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 14(2), pp. 101-104.

Harrington, C., & Wells, J.  (2013). Implementation of Affordable Care Act Provisions to Improve Nursing Home Transparency, Care Quality, and Abuse Prevention.
Report prepared for Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.

Harrington, C., Ross, L., Mukamel, D., Rosenau, P. (2013).  Improving the Financial Accountability of Nursing Facilities. Report for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.

Lanoix, M. (2013). Caring for money: Communicative and strategic action in ancillary care. International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, 6(2),  pp. 94-117.

Lanoix, M. (2013).  Labour as Embodied Practice: The Lessons of Care Work. Hypatia, 28(1), pp. 85-100.

Storm, P. (2013). Care work in a Swedish nursing home: Gendered norms and expectations. In Hujala, A., Rissanen, S., & Vihma, S. (Eds.), Designing Wellbeing in Elderly Care Homes, pp. 148-162.

Struthers, J. (2013). Framing Aging Through the State: Canada’s Two Senate Committees on Aging, 1963-1966 and 2006-2009. Canadian Review of Social Policy: Special Issue on Aging, 68-69, pp. 1-9.

Szebehely, M. (2013, participating author). Family rediscovered? Working carers of older people in Finland and Sweden. In: Kröger T., & Yeandle S, Eds. Combining paid work and family care: Policies and experiences in international perspective.

Szebehely, M. (2013, participating author). Informal eldercare and care for disabled children in the Nordic countries: prevalence and relation to employment. Nordic Journal of Social Research, 4(1).

Szebehely, M. (2013). With contributions from Storm, P., Jacobsen, F., Banerjee, A., Armstrong, P., & Harrington, C. Marketisation in Nordic eldercare: a research report on legislation, oversight, extent and consequences. Normacare.

Szebehely, M., & Meagher, G. (2013).  Care in Sweden: Trends, Actors, and Consequences. In Ranci, C., & Pavolini, E. (Eds.), Reforms in Long-Term Care Policies in Europe: Investigating Institutional Change and Social Impacts (pp. 55–78), New York: Springer.


Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., & Daly, T. (2012). The Thin Blue Line: Long Term Care as an Indicator of Equity in Welfare States. Canadian Woman Studies, 29(3), pp. 49-60.

Banerjee, A., Daly, T., Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., Szebehely, M., & Lafance S. (2012). Structural violence in long-term, residential care for older people: Comparing Canada and Scandinavia. Social Science & Medicine, 74(3), pp. 390-398.

Chivers, S. (2012). Reimagining care: images of aging and creativity in House Calls and Year at Sherbrooke. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 7(2), pp. 53-71.

Daly, T., & Szebehely, M. (2012) .Unheard Voices, unmapped terrain: care work in long-term residential care for older people in Canada and Sweden. International Journal of Social Welfare, 21(2), pp. 139-148.
Access a research summary for this article – Sweden Tops Canada in Care for the Aged

Doupe, M., & Day, S. (2012, participating authors). Frequent Users of Emergency Departments: Developing Standard Definitions and Defining Prominent Risk Factors. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 60(1), pp. 24-32.

Harrington, C. (2012, participating author). Emergency Department Use by Nursing Home Residents: Effect of Severity of Cognitive Impairment. The Gerontologist, 52(3), pp. 383-393.

Harrington, C. (2012, participating author). Observing How RNs Use Clinical Time in a Nursing Home: A Pilot Study. Geriatric Nursing, 33(4), pp. 256-263.

Harrington, C. (2012, participating author). Nursing Homes Appeals of Deficiencies: The Informal Dispute Resolution Process. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 13(6), pp. 512-516.

Harrington, C.,  Choiniere, J., Goldmann, M., Jacobsen, F.,  Lloyd, L.,  McGregor, M., Stamatopoulos, V., & Szebehely, M . (2012). Nursing Home Staffing Standards and Staffing Levels in Six Countries. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 44(1), pp. 88-98.

Harrington, C. (2012, participating author). Nurse Staffing and Deficiencies in the Largest For-Profit Nursing Home Chains and Chains Owned by Private Equity Companies. Health Services Research, 47(1) Pt1, pp. 106-128.

Harrington, C. (2012, participating author). The Effect of State Regulatory Stringency on Nursing Home Quality. Health Services Research, 47(5), pp. 1791-1813.

Harrington, C. (2012, participating author). The Relationship of California’s Medicaid Reimbursement System to Nurse Staffing Levels. Medical Care, 50(10), pp. 836-842.

Harrington, C. (2012, participating author). Unintended consequences of steps to cut readmissions and reform payment may threaten care of vulnerable older adults. Health Affairs, 31(7), pp. 1623-1632.

Seeley, M. (2012). Women, Aging, and Residential Long-Term Care.  In Thinking Women and Health Care Reform in Canada, Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.

Szebehely, M.(2012, participating author). Äldreomsorgens utveckling och betydelse för medelålders barns förvärvsarbete. [The price of retrenchment: The consequences of changing eldercare services on middle aged children’s employment]. Report for Kommunal, the Municipal Workers’ Union.

Szebehely, M., & Vabo., M. (2012). A Caring State for all Older People? In Anttonen, A.,  Häikiö, L., & Stefánsson, K (Eds.), Welfare State, Universalism and Diversity, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Szebehely, M. (2012, participating author). Changing Policies, Changing Patterns of Care; Danish and Swedish Home Care at the Crossroads. European Journal of Ageing, 9(2), pp. 101-109.

Szebehely, M. (2012, participating author). Home care for older people in Sweden: a universal model in transition. Health and Social Care in the Community, 20(3), pp. 300-309.

Szebehely, M., Brennan, D., Cass, B., & Himmelweit, S. (2012). The marketisation of care: Rationales and consequences in Nordic and liberal care regimes. Journal of European Social Policy, 22(4), pp. 377-391.

Szebehely, M. (2012). Universell eller skiktad äldreomsorg – vem vinner och vem förlorar? [Universal or stratified eldercare services – winners and loosers]. In: Andersson L., & Öberg, P. eds. Jämlik ålderdom? I samtiden och framtiden [Equal ageing? Today and in the future]. Malmö.


Armstrong, P.,  Armstrong, H., Banerjee, A., Daly, T., & Szebehely, M. (2011). Structural Violence in Long-Term Residential Care. Women’s Health and Urban Life: An International & Interdisciplinary Journal, 10(1), pp. 111-129.

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